
7 Kitchen Design Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs

It’s a bit cliché but your kitchen really is the heart of your home. It’s a place where you will cook, socialise, entertain and toil away so it ideally should be functional and beautiful.

Don’t be fooled though – a kitchen renovation is complex and there are a few rookie errors to watch out for. Here’s an overview of 7 common kitchen design mistakes you should avoid in your kitchen renovation.

Selling Yourself Short

If you are looking to create a functional, good-looking kitchen be practical about your budget. If you have a scant budget you seriously need to weigh up whether a full kitchen renovation is for you.

We’ve seen on many occasions, homeowners have rolled out a small budget or flatpack kitchen renovation only to have to redo the space a few years down the track as their original refresh just didn’t meet their lifestyle needs.

If you are considering a kitchen renovation – do your homework. The most recent HIA Kitchens and Bathrooms Survey found the average kitchen renovation is $21,000. If that sort of money is a whack to the weekly budget, look at a loan or interest free kitchen finance options so you can be sure that your kitchen design isn’t compromised due to an unrealistic budget.

Poor Lighting

The kitchen is going to be one of (if not the) most used spaces in your home. To that end, your kitchen should adopt a layered approach to lighting with a good mix of task, general and accent lighting.

Always look for good lighting above your work areas and if you are unsure – speak to an expert. Getting your lighting plan wrong and having to redo it will be a costly exercise.


Polarizing Properties

That super sexy splashback that you saw on Instagram might be all the rage now but will it stand the test of time? Be wary of going too “trend crazy” with your kitchen, particularly if you are looking to sell your home in the near future. You can’t go wrong with a white or neutral kitchen and if you do want to have some on trend elements look to introduce them subtly into your design with feature cabinets, fittings and aspects that are easily changed (such as wall colour).

Wasting Storage Space

You’re kitchen will house all sorts of appliances, plates, tableware, food, cleaning products – you name it. It’s a massive design error to no provide for adequate storage in your kitchen. These days there are a range of great storage solutions on offer which maximise all those little areas in your kitchen for storage. From undersink storage to vertical storage systems and overhead cabinetry. Make storage front of mind when you are planning for your new space.


Forgetting Flooring

We see this so often that flooring has become a hot topic on our blog! We can’t stress enough  just how important it is to consider flooring in your renovation and to makes sure you plan and budget for flooring from the very get go.

Flooring thumbnail

Scrimping On Hardware

Let’s face it, your kitchen is a significant investment so you will want it to stand the test of time. But as the old saying goes – you get what you pay for and that remains true with kitchen hardware. Investing in superior quality drawer rails, hinges and lift systems may not particularly float your boat but it’s too important to scrimp on. You will want drawers that can take your heavy pots and that make using your kitchen that much easier in the long-term.


Not Consulting A Professional

Kitchen design is an art. There are many things to consider in such a small space and speaking with a professional removes the complexity of it all. A professional kitchen designer knows the ins and outs of how your space should function, will be able to draw a great brief from you, will have the industry contacts and knowledge to ensure your kitchen is a great quality at a great price.  Best of all a professional kitchen designer will be able to help mitigate any issues that might arise.

Avoid wasting your time and money and speak with a professional kitchen designer in the first instance to explore your options, budget and needs.

To book a free kitchen design consultation with our professional team, click here.



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